Affirmations for Success – Affirmations for Entrepreneur Success

Affirmations for Success – Affirmations for Entrepreneur Success

  • Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Affirmations for Success - Affirmations for Entrepreneur Success


So much of our success depends on our beliefs. The more we can align with our positive beliefs about reaching entrepreneur success, the easier it will be to manifest that success. These affirmations will help you lean into abundance and tap into your divine right to success.

If you have any resistance to these affirmations, please work with a personal focus wheel before continuing to listen to these affirmations.

Here’s how to use this video to succeed:

As you fall asleep listen to this video for 21 days straight to allow it to flow into your subconscious.


By meditating on this video for 21 days, my hope is that you manifest entrepreneurial success with ease.

These affirmations I’m sharing with you today have helped so many of my clients and Dream Life Academy and I can’t wait for you to succeed in your pursuits as well.

Oh, and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

Affirmations for Success - Affirmations for Entrepreneur Success

77 Affirmations for Success – Affirmations for Entrepreneur Success:

  1. I have everything I need
  2. I am the creator of my life
  3. I am happy, successful, and fulfilled
  4. I am continuously blessed with good fortune
  5. I deserve all the success coming my way
  6. I am empowered for entrepreneurial success
  7. My life is full of opportunity and overflowing goddess
  8. My business is abundant and successful
  9. I am committed to my goals
  10.  Synchronicity is always putting me at the right place at the right time.
  11.  Each day I become more successful
  12.  I am building a team that supports my dreams. 
  13.  I am not only surviving in life, I am thriving in life.
  14.  My business is flourishing and growing at the perfect pace.
  15.  I feel energized and motivated as I work towards my dreams.
  16.  I am grounded, relaxed, and stable as I attract entrepreneurial success.
  17.  I have the Divine Right to success.
  18.  It is my Birthright to build the business of my dreams.
  19.  I have the discipline it takes to stay focused as I attract abundance and prosperity.
  20.  On my journey to success I regulate my emotions in a way that brings me closer to my goals.
  21.  I feel gratification and pleasure each day as I fulfill my purpose.
  22.  My desire for success emanates from my inner spirit and I am fully aligned with this Divine wanting.
  23.  I allow myself to feel every emotion along the journey to success, while always leaning into and committing to my values.
  24.  It’s fun to make money.
  25.  It feels good to attain entrepreneurial success.
  26.  It is so gratifying to achieve my dreams.
  27.  I am confident in my abilities to attract abundance.
  28.  I have willpower that supports my prosperity. 
  29.  I trust my intuition and let it guide my business decisions.
  30.  I have faith in my ability to succeed.
  31.  I am not defined by my wealth.
  32.  I am proud of my business and its impact.
  33.  Each day I am becoming stronger and better. 
  34.  I give myself compassion each day
  35.  I love the way I approach business
  36.  I am enough
  37.  I am loved
  38.  I am attracting the perfect network to support my success
  39.  I am connected to positive and supportive partners
  40.  I attract my dream clients and customers
  41.  I communicate my business message clearly and effectively
  42.  I express my unique creativity with every business endeavor
  43.  I live my truth 
  44.  I have created an authentic business that embodies my values
  45.  I clearly communicate my needs and expectations with love
  46.  I allow my vibe to be my guide
  47.  I have a clear vision of the abundance I am attracting
  48.  Self-reflection and conscious living is supporting my entrepreneurial journey
  49.  I am illuminating light full of positivity and faith
  50.  God is working behind the scenes for my success in ways I can’t even imagine
  51.  The universe has my back and is conspiring for my greatness
  52.  My faith and belief in my success is propelling me forward. 
  53.  I know that success is my divine right. 
  54.  I am aligned with my Higher Spirit
  55.  I am not alone in this journey 
  56.  I use life challenges to grow and become better
  57.  Each month my revenue is exponentially growing
  58.  I am generous and giving
  59.  I am grateful for my financial abundance.
  60.  I attract prosperity with ease
  61.  I am open to the universe’s abundance
  62.  I allow wealth to flow to me and through me
  63.  I am deliberately creating a business and life that I love
  64.  I attract abundance with ease
  65.  I flow with the success I deserve
  66.  I take actions that prioritize my joy
  67.  I think thoughts that support what I want
  68.  I believe my business is a money magnet
  69.  I am open to receiving financial abundance
  70.  I am always taking action to support what I want
  71.  My success is inevitable
  72.  I am confident in my entrepreneurial success
  73.  My business is positively impacting my dream customers
  74.  My business is helping others live happier lives
  75.  I love what I do
  76.  I always have more than enough money
  77.  I constantly receive unexpected revenue

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