How To Make Time For Self Care For Busy People

How To Make Time For Self Care For Busy People

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

I’m not going to waste your time telling you all the reasons taking care of yourself is important. That’s why you’re here. 

Read this blog to learn how to finally make time for self care even as a “busy” person.

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How To Make Time For Self Care For Busy People



ONE: Reframe being busy

Using phrases like “I’m busy” or “I don’t have time” take your power away and keep you stuck. 

Begin today to take your power back by using more empowering language and thoughts. You’ll be amazed how this impacts what you are able to make time for. 

Instead of saying “I’m busy, I don’t have time”, acknowledge that it isn’t that you don’t have time, it’s that you haven’t made time. Then empower yourself to prioritize what matters. 


TWO: Time Audits

With that said do a time audit of everything you are doing for one week. 

Then take a look at where you are spending your time.

Eliminate time wasters and delegate any time suckers that you can.


THREE: Use the power of intention

Set your intention for self care and define what self-care would be meaningful for you (mind, body and spirit).

For instance, self-care doesn’t have to be bubble baths and getting your nails done. Self-care may look like going to therapy or letting yourself sleep in one day. 

Take a look at the season you are in and ask yourself how can you realistically care for your mind, body, and Spirit in this season. 


FOUR: Protect your space

Now that you have made the decision to prioritize your self-care and you know how you would like to care for yourself, put energy into protecting this decision.

This may look like:

  • Scheduling non-negotiable time in your calendar
  • Setting boundaries with others and letting family or coworkers know that this is your sacred time
  • Creating a physical space such as a meditation space that can be a placeholder for your self-care practice 


FIVE: Create routines and systems

Routines and systems are game-changers for people struggling to prioritize self-care. 

I have a manifestation routine guide which I will link below that can help you get started with creating self-care routines:


And systems can also be a great way to add structure to your life and free up time in the process. 

For example, I like to use batch days in my workflow. Each day is designated for a different focus and this helps me be more productive and streamlined. And as a result, I have a time block in my schedule to take care of myself in a meaningful way, which for me is Friday afternoons. The kids are in daycares, I don’t have any work obligations that day, and it just gives me free space in my calendar for myself. 


SIX: Commit but be flexible 

Know that while you can plan, God can laugh. So when it comes to carving out time for self-care, know that things happen and life sometimes may get in the way. 

The key is to get back on track as quickly as possible. My motto is I can let my self-care routines slide one week because of life circumstances but I never allow myself to go two weeks in a row when I can. 

And of course, this will largely depend on the season of life you are in. When I recently gave birth to my second son, I was consumed with nurturing him and my self-care took a back seat. But I was intentional about that only being a season and I had a plan to get back on track. 


SEVEN: Build consistency – little and often

Lastly, know that self-care doesn’t have to be grand. In fact, little and often is better than big and occasional. 

This might mean taking a moment to mindfully finish your tea in the morning before your kids wake up. 

Or it may mean engaging in deep breathing on a really stressful day. 

Especially if you have a lot on your plate, finding small ways to care for yourself mindfully throughout the day will make a big difference.

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