How to Meditate for Manifestation – Plus powerful guided meditation to manifest what you want in life

How to Meditate for Manifestation – Plus powerful guided meditation to manifest what you want in life

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Meditate For Manifestation

It’s estimated that 200–500 million people meditate worldwide. But do you know how to use your meditation practice to manifest the life of your dreams?

If you’re new meditation or just confused about how to use your practice to create the life you want, read this blog to transform your meditation practice into a manifestation generator!


By the end of this blog, you will know 5 tips on how to meditate for manifestation. 


If you’re like me then you like to use practical tools along your manifestation journey that are easy to do and have clear results. 


With my meditation practice I’ve been able to do just that while also gaining some yummy side benefits along the way as well like stress reduction and increased attention span.


As a psychologist I’m uniquely trained to help people change their mindset, unlike many other manifestation coaches out there. And these manifestation meditation techniques I am going to share with are backed by psychology and brain science to help us create the life we want. 


So let’s jump right in and get to manifesting!

But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register:

Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

How to meditate for Manifestation

ONE: Visualization Meditation


My first technique to guide your meditation for manifestation is to use Visualization Meditations. Essentially, taking time during your meditation to visualize the life you want to create. 


This is one of the techniques I dive deep on with Dream Life Academy students, and really stress the importance of how to visualize what we want in a way that attracts our dream life. 


And in this limited video what I want to stress here is how it works, and how to make it more powerful. 


This type of meditation helps us manifest because it activates the imagery parts of our brain that result in increased attention. And we know with manifestation that where we put our attention we will attract more of. 


It also works because the brain does not differentiate between real and imagined visuals. It encodes our visualizations as memories that have actually happened.


Therefore visualization meditations trick our brains into believing we already have the abundance we are seeking, and again we know with the law of attraction that like attracts likes and we will receive more of that. 


You can make your visualizations even more powerful by allowing yourself to feel the emotions that correspond with what you are visualizing. 


One of the keys to making your visualization manifestation work for you is to come from a place of flow and not forcing. You don’t want to sit down to use this technique if you are trying to force your dreams to come true. Here are some examples of manic forcing:

  • Attached to the outcome
  • You find it hard to surrender your dream to the universe
  • You are obsessed with how and when your dream will come true
  • You are doing all the things to try to control the manifestation process

If this is you be sure you check out my free guide Forcing to Flowing to learn how to let go, flow with your abundance, and detach from the outcome.  Click here to get the guide:   

TWO: Gratitude Meditation


The second strategy for meditation for manifestation is to practice gratitude meditation.


Here’s an easy way to get started using mala beads:

  • Before you sit down to meditate, think of something in your life that you are so grateful for that it causes you to feel overwhelming emotion like joy, appreciation, or love
  • Then create a mantra stating this, such as “I am so joyfully grateful for all the love I have in my life”
  • Then sit for meditation and start off with some grounding breath work, taking 10 deep inhales and exhales
  • Next, using your mala beads, move the beads through your fingers reciting your gratitude mantra until you reach the end of your necklace at the guru bead. 


This type of meditation is great for manifestation because it aligns us with an abundance mindset. It shifts our perspective to the beautiful abundance we already have and in turn helps us attract more of it. 


I suggest finding the underlying values of what you want to manifest (such as love or freedoM) and then finding ways to be grateful for already having those values in your life.


THREE: Mindfulness of Emotions and Thoughts Meditation


The more we can align with our Higher Spirit the more easily we can manifest what we want. This is because what we want comes directly from our inner Spirit. 


There are two ways that we can use our meditation practice to align with our inner Spirit that I want to share: 


The first is Mindfulness of Emotions. Emotions are direct signals from our Inner Spirit and taking time in our meditation practice to become aware of our emotions will help get in tune with what Spirit is trying to tell us.


If you notice negative emotion, that is Spirit trying to communicate that something we are thinking or doing in our life is not aligned with what we truly want.


If you notice positive emotion, that is Spirit trying to communicate that what we are thinking or doing in our life IS aligned with what we truly want.


The second is Mindfulness of Thoughts, or Insight Meditation. This is where you take your meditation time to notice arising thoughts. This helps you connect with your inner observer which is your Higher Spirit and detach from mind chatter. 


Here’s how to do either: 

  • Sit for meditation and start off with some grounding breath work, taking 10 deep inhales and exhales
  • Then release the breath and simply start to notice the breath without controlling it
  • Next, open your awareness to any emotion (or thoughts) that may be present
  • If it is an emotion try to name and notice if it is accompanied by any bodily sensations
  • Then gently release the emotion or thought without judgement or attachment to any related story
  • Reconnect with yourself as the observer of these thoughts and emotions and do not identify with them
  • Then return to focusing on the breath until the next emotion (or thought arises and repeat the process. 


BONUS: General Tips to Create a Meditation Practice

  • Create a sacred space to ground your meditation practice and remind you of your meditation intention. And be sure to check out for modern meditation cushions
  • Try to meditate at the same time and place each day so your brain starts to know exactly what to do when it’s time to sit down and meditate
  • Journal after meditating to record any insightful reflections
  • Start small. If you are just starting to meditate, start with small time increments, even as little as 1 or 2 minutes just to form the habit of meditating each day.


For more tips on how to make meditation a habit here is a LINK to a free ebook:


And here is the link of an easy 2 minute manifestation meditation I created to get you started:

So those are my tips on meditation for manifestation!


But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register:


Meditate For Manifestation

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!