Segment Intending Abraham Hicks How to Segment Intend

Segment Intending Abraham Hicks How to Segment Intend

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Do you ever feel like you’re running around in life like a chicken with your head cut off just reacting to life?

If you want a simple breakdown of Abraham Hick’s segment intending and practical tools on how to apply this process, read this blog learn easy practical tools that will help you go from reacting to life to deliberately creating!

By the end of this blog, you will have clarity on the Abraham Hicks segment intending tool and know practical and simple ways to apply it to your life so you can manifest easier. 

So many of my clients come into my program Dream Life Academy with knowledge of the ask, believe, receive concept of the law of attraction but many of them have never heard of segment intending let alone the power it has to make manifestation so much easier. So coaching them through the process of segment intending has been such an honor as I’ve seen it transform their lives. 

Today I want to introduce you to this process and give you practical tools to apply it to your life so you can increase your manifestation power. 

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

manifestation masterclass

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register: 


Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

How To Segment Intend

TIP #1 What is Segment Intending

Let’s start with what exactly is segment intending. 

Abraham Hicks says “Segment intending is just about being aware of yourself in your surroundings and what’s coming next. It’s a redefining by you of the intentions that you hold in this second.” 

So let me break that down a bit, a segment is a block of time or being that you move into that has a different intention than the previous one.

 For instance when you get in your car to drive to work, then your intention differs than when you were just sitting down eating breakfast with your family. During breakfast you may have the intention to enjoy your food, connect with your family, and appreciate the family time. Then when you move to your car ride to work you may intend for safety, focus, and a peaceful drive. 

So how does segment intending specifically work and what does it have to do with manifesting and the law of attraction?


TIP #2 Be Deliberate About What You Want to Create

Segment intending is a process that helps us be conscious and deliberate about what we want to create. 

If we want to intentionally use the law of attraction we must find ways to engage in deliberate creation instead of living life by default. 

As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

So if we can find ways to set intentions for each segment before we move into them, then we are better able to attract what we want instead of attracting by default. 

For example, I do instagram and Youtube Lives every Monday, called Manifestation Mondays. And I’m usually rushing because they are mid day, and at the beginning I would just be go go all morning and jump on the lives a bit frazzled. Until one day I realized that the energy I was bringing to the lives wasn’t matching what I was teaching or wanted to convey. My mom actually reminded me to slow down and set an intention before entering into this segment of my day and it changed the game for me. I was calmer, spoke more eloquently, and was able to get my message across much better.

So here’s why segment intending is so powerful for manifestation:

  1. It helps you get ahead of things with an intention for your next segment. And the key is to only be as specific as it feels good. If you feel any resistance or negative emotions when setting your intention then back off and be a bit more general. 
  2. Segment intending gives the universe the opportunity to sync up with you. You want to think about what this next segment means to you and what do you want from it.
    • This intention causes momentum that the Law of attraction loves because it increases focus, good vibes, and in turn decreases resistance


Tip #3 Tools for Segment Intending

Ok so now I would like to share some helpful tools to make segment intending a practical tool in your life that you can consistently use. 

  1. The first tool is planning. As Abraham Hicks shared, “Don’t react to life, plan it!”

And I am beyond excited to share with you a Printable Manifestation Planner that you can download and start using today. Click here to get your copy:

manifestation planner

I infused this manifestation planner with my exact strategy and technique for manifestation using many law of attraction tenets such as segment intending, vibrating high, and clear and easy ways to reach your goals. 

This planner breaks down manifestation into a clear actionable planning strategy that will help you deliberately create your life. 

Learn how to structure your months, weeks, and days to flow and attract your dreams. This planner the exact planning strategy I have been using for years to manifest and take aligned action. I hope you enjoy it. 

Be sure to click here to check it out:

  1. The second tool that I want to share with you for segment intending is carry a notebook with you to write down your intentions as you move throughout your day. Write down our intentions makes them drastically more likely to manifest. 
  2. The last simple way to apply segment intending that I want to offer you is to share it with others. 


I teach my Dream Life Academy clients to start with larger segments for segment intending like starting with setting intentions for your week or day. One way to cement these intentions is to share them with your partner or a friend to add an element of accountability and connection. I like to share my intentions for the day each morning on my Instagram stories. This helps make it more salient by sharing it with others. 


So now you know all you need to know about the power of segment intending and practical ways to incorporate it into your life!


Don’t forget to grab your Manifestation Planner Printable:

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!

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